Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fields Of Plenty

I want to share a dream I believe God gave me this past week. It was revelation to me-maybe it will help you. In the dream I was at a river crossing. The water was very muddy and dark; you could not see below the surface. I was entering the water to cross over to the other side where Fields of Plenty were waiting. An overwhelming sense of fear was upon me as I entered the water; I sensed something was there but could not see anything. I remember in my hand was a walking stick approximately five to six feet long. Once I was fully engaged in the river crossing up to my waist, out of the water raised a crocodile looking creature, lunging to attack me. Without thought I put the rod in the center of the creature’s back and held it firmly on the bottom of the river bed.

It was amazing that as the rod touched the back of the crocodile creature that the muddy water turned clear and I could see that it was held without movement of the river’s bottom. Thinking about it now as I right it seems strange that the creature was not thrashing and turning, trying to continue its attack. The rod had completely paralyzed the crocodile. I sensed the creature go limp after some time and it appeared the crocodile was dead. As I removed the rod from the creatures back it floated lifelessly away; carried by the current of the river and I continued my crossing to the fields of plenty.

When I had crossed over half way I remember the feeling joy and expectancy for what was waiting on the other side, then suddenly fear once again captivated me. Hearing the slightest of water movement behind me I turned to see the crocodile ferociously thrusting out of the water, mouth open, coming from behind to destroy me. Instinctively, I raised the rod to strike the creature in the back again. As I was turning to strike the crocodile, a voice within me spoke and said, “Place the rod on crown of his head”! With a supernatural force I cannot explain, I plunged the rod into the crown of the creatures head. What happened next still baffles me as I write these words even now. When the rod touched the crown of the creatures head, the crocodile exploded from its belly underneath and the eruption continued from the middle to both ends of the crocodile until the entire outer skin was completely flat. It was if the creature had been professional skinned and prepared for display. I awoke from the dream at this time and told no one about it until I received the revelation I am about to share with you.

Here is what I believe it means to me, and maybe you. For some time now we have been in a water crossing to harvest fields of plenty. The scripture makes the parallel many times between water and the Spirit. (John 4:13-14; John 7:38; Isaiah 44:3-4) The water crossing I saw was a spiritual passage of trust and obedience. This is what our prayer and fasting has been since the first of this year. The muddy water refers to our inability to see where our feet are being placed. We are being led by the Spirit and we must trust that process. (Joshua 1:9)

I believe the creature that I saw in my dream to be a demonic entity the scripture refers to as Leviathan. (Job 3:8; Job 41:1; Psalms 74:14; Psalms 104:26; Isaiah 27:1) In the context of a crocodile, this demon lurks in the darkness of the spiritual underworld for the specific purpose of attacking those in passage to fields of plenty. When the attack is from an unseen force whose entrance is heralded by fear, its explicit purpose is to destroy you at the point of entering your promised land of harvest filled with fields of plenty!

The rod, similar to a walking stick in my hand, was symbolic of the anointing to perform miracles as in the fashion of Aaron’s Rod that budded. (Numbers 17) The miraculous budding of Aaron’s rod was in response to God’s request for every tribe of Israel to place a single rod, twelve rods in total in the tabernacle for a sign against the murmurings of the rebellious. Aaron’s rod budded, blossomed, and produced a crop of almonds! We have the promise of harvest in our hands. The rod was more than just a symbol. God commanded Moses to place it in the Ark of the Covenant as a sacred reminder that what God has promised needs no natural understanding to be performed and completed. Revelation requires no reason.

The first time the rod was placed on the demonic spirit it immobilized the attack. No demon can withstand the miraculous power of God! But the demon was only temporarily suspended from the attack and played dead to get released from the pressure of the miraculous. In this passage we have been too quick to accept the suspension of demonic attack without pressing for total abandon of the enemy’s assignment. We perceived our deliverance to be complete when it was only partial. Our pride caused us to rejoice prematurely! This passage we are in will not be complete until we are standing on the Holy Ground of a supernatural outpouring! We cannot accept anything less than a total revival of the early Church’s example of the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost!

The second attack by the demonic force came from the murky shadows of the past-from behind. When we rejoice because demons are subject to us we lose sight of the eternal purpose of our crossing. (Luke 10:20) Pride is the deception of believing a stunned demon is a defeated foe. In the dream I was instructed to, “Place the rod on crown of his head”! The only way we can effectively overcome the enemy who is attacking us is to strike the head; the center of its evil purpose. (John 10:10) The stronghold is in the mind! We must strike the thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5) that are coming from the demons sent to attack us. In the dream, once the rod touched the head of the crocodile, the entire creature was turned into a display of God’s ability to finish our passage! (2 Timothy 1:12) This second attack is an attempt to use your pride in securing the stronghold of your thoughts.

There are more people falling prey to this second attack right now than at any other time I can recall in my ministry. People receive a spiritual victory that appears to be complete only to allow pride to set them up for the deception of trusting their abilities instead of acknowledging God. (Proverbs 3:5-6) There is a second attack coming to stop your passage. It is a battle for your thoughts and the stronghold of your mind. Mental fatigue regarding things of the Spirit is a symptom of this second attack. You must strike the head of this demon with a stringent embracing of the supernatural. The rod in your hand is the presence of the miracles God has already done through you. That testimony is your weapon to crush this second attack and cross over into the fields of plenty. This dream was so real to me. I believe there will be more revelation coming out of this experience in the coming days.

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