Thursday, May 8, 2008

I would like to invite you to be my special guest at an event that has been titled, “Pastor’s Tree Growth Watching Year.” I know you will want to make your plans to be involved in this exciting event from the start to the very end. The event will begin on March 10, 2008, and continue twenty-four hours each day until March 10, 2009. The purpose of this wonderful event is to watch a tree grow! Don’t miss it! This concept is really too ridiculous to spend too much more time on but let’s linger a moment more as we apply it to our real lives.

No one devotes 24/7 to watching anything grow, but we all expect growth to be evident overnight. When my children were under thirteen they wanted to be accepted as a bonafied PG13 person when it comes to enjoying a movie! All of them demanded to be considered an adult when it comes to ordering off of the restaurant menu. Then if that was not enough, there is that seventeen-year-old man who lives at my home who has already forgotten more that I have the ability to learn! Where did these beings come from? Did aliens replace my children? Just yesterday they were completely dependent on me to take care of them. The audacity of this group to grow without attending my “Tree Growth Watching Year” seminar!

Let patience have her perfect work! Give it some time! Let life unfold one day at a time without ripping the bark off of everything God plants in your life. You do not have to understand why something has to be the way it is to enjoy the benefits of what that something brings you. If you contemplate too long about why ice cream melts, you will miss the sheer joy of how it tastes!
Patience is working in you at the pace God has determined you need. Patience is bringing you up under what you believe with sure steps and determined planning. When the work of patience is perfect in your life you will be securely sheltered under the covering of your faith in God. Only God devotes 24/7 to watching something grow. That something He is watching is you!

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